Why I write

I write to touch you and be touched

Words can hurt you. Words can heal you. Words have power. I write to touch you, and be touched by you. I write to play. I write to express. I write to last. To try and break times’ bounds by leaving something, anything of me behind, like William does so beautifully here:

Sonnet 74  | William Shakespeare

But be contented: when that fell arrest
Without all bail shall carry me away,
My life hath in this line some interest,
Which for memorial still with thee shall stay.
When thou reviewest this, thou dost review
The very part was consecrate to thee:
The earth can have but earth, which is his due;
My spirit is thine, the better part of me:
So then thou hast but lost the dregs of life,
The prey of worms, my body being dead,
The coward conquest of a wretch’s knife,
Too base of thee to be remembered.
The worth of that is that which it contains,
And that is this, and this with thee remains.

I write to Understand

Why do I write…  Writing somehow helps me to understand.  I try to pick the “just right” words.  And this exercise leads to internal conversations.  Deeper reflections.  More love.   Hopefully maturity, one day.

I write to share

“It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return, but what is the most painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let the person know how you feel.”

 It takes courage to write.  To put your heart out there, exposed, to be criticized, usually misunderstood.  But, for me, the effort is important.  Vital.  So I try to express deeply, to connect, with heart.  Do you write?  Paint?  Sing?  How do you tap into your creativity? How do you connect? Please tell me….

11 thoughts on “Why I write

  1. Joseph… good post. I write to educate, besides trying to earns someone’s business. But you touched upon something else.  You said, “I write to understand”. For me, when writing about mortgages, it sometimes helps me remember kep points or programs and such. When I post something, it will be 100% accurate, because I dislike misleading or wrong information. And if I am not 100% sure, I will make sure before I post… and this has helped me sometimes understand a particular program or keep in my memory some important key points. Overall, just helps me keep my brain fresh.As far as I write to share.. that coincides with me sharing my knowledge with others… and sharing about myself, so others can get to know me through my blogging… and I love that my passion shines through many of my posts.

    Again, good post here… thanks

    • Jeff,
      thank you for commenting. Stephen Covey says that we learn best when there is someone we know we want to teach. You reminded me of this, and, of course I did not direct mentioned passion, but the name of the blog #justsaying :) TTYS, in Philly!
      — Josepf

  2. Thank you for sharing your heart with us, Josepf; for the courage to extend yourself through your words to others. In doing so, you do in fact leave your own footprint in time while touching and inspiring others.

    Like you, I write to share, to speak my heart and mind, to understand, to explore, to invite connection, and to play.  When I write, it is as if extending a hand from my heart to others, though it is but one way I see and experience the world.  For most of my life, dance was my first creative love…a total, creative and physical expression of self, though there is no limit to the number of creative outlets that soothe my soul…

    • Sharon,

      you’re like the Renascence Woman of “creative outlets that soothe”. Certain cultures fear getting their photo taken because they believe a piece of their soul will be stolen. I think there is some truth to this. Your photos beam with contentedness and joy. So appreciate your sharing your http://heartpath.wordpress.com “heart path” with us. Namaste Sharon — Josepf

  3. Joseph. Thought provoking post. I write as creative therapy. I write to clarify my thinking. I write to be silly. I write to encounter others. I don’t think I write for fame, but I check my stats. After all, I believe that In the sound and fury, we aim for some indication that we have an impact. @brainseason

    • Bill,

      many thanks for the RT and comments. I agree that we do want to know, feel like we have some impact. When people take the time to stop, and comment, I always write back, to acknowledge their gift. Despite the ‘stats’ it is one small way to know… Just found you on Twitter and will look for your posts as the day unfold. Ciao Bill — Josepf

  4. Great Post,

     I write to read-to understand and be understood.

    i read your words and I am moved.  You have most certainly left something in the wake. ripples and waves of sounds that add up to be a profoundous experience.

    Job well done!

    Lolly Daskal
    Lead From Within

    • Lolly!
      as the virtual spiritual leader of #leadfromwithin (yes we get almost that fervent); truly appreciate your words. Will be there, tonight, Tuesday night, 8pm ET to participate, support, enjoy, and become more — through your words.
      thank you for seeing me — Josepf

  5. Beautiful Josepf! I rarely stop to reflect on why I write! I write because life compels me with it’s power, beauty, pathos, and richness. Thanks for a wonderful, provocative post. Keep on sharing…love your writing! Libby 

    • Libby,
      always such a pleasure to see you stop by. And you “almost” always love my writing, at least when I’m, not being “irritating to some”, there, I didn’t say it! :) Double bonus thank yous for G+ ing my post!!! See you in the stream Libby — Josepf

  6. Pingback: #Sonnet 0 | Waiting #poem #Poetry on » #Passionating

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