When I tell you that I love you


Things I’ll say when I find you

I’ve told you that I love you
tossed out there, casually
like I love coffee
which I do.

but how can you really “know” if I do not tell you?

When I tell you that I love you,
I mean you have a piece of me
part of my heart is taken up with you
given over to you.

When I tell you that I love you,
it means you count
I care about you
and will do for you.

When I tell you that I love you
it means I cannot and do not want to imagine a life without you in it
do you really know this?
or has coffee “love” confused something deeper.

Pretend not to know this is for you
hide it from your head,
but read it with your heart…

When I tell you that I love you,
it means you are ‘inside’
chosen family, a true friend
it means I miss seeing your eyes
your quirky expressions
your beautiful smiles
your laughs…

When I tell you that I love you,
it means I love being with you
in company
also, curled up safe
listening to your heart beat
smelling your hair
feeling your skin brushed against mine
sending delicious soothing shivers between us

For now
I’ll pretend you’re really out there
and one day will hear me
when I tell you that I love you

5 thoughts on “When I tell you that I love you

  1.  I adore this. I love this like coffee! I love the honest voice, the simple rhythm, the hope

  2. This is so beautiful…you have a deep soul, josepf . This hopeful, lovely poem will find it’s intended, I predict! Thank you for sharing, you’ve touched my heart once again!

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