Tonight is about surfing pain

I thought it was time to breathe
and I did
try the breathing thing

but tonight is all about pain
not mine, yours
LL’s, Becky’s, Rhonda’s
legions more

when you’re wracked with pain perhaps you draw more to you?
emotional skin burnt off
open heart

the world
so full of beauty
is so full of pain
overwhelming pain

I surf it
unable to sleep I now seek it out
dipping my self in a baptism of pain
hollowing myself out with it
for future unknown purposes

I eat it
stream it into my soul
beyond tears
breathing pain

and it’s okay
connected somehow
to everyone else’s pain

a strange way to not feel alone
a strange way to be connected

but it is working for me on this strange night
such a strange night
and not just for me

I’m letting it burn deeper
opening me more
something sacred and soulful
about such pain

normal sense of humor
put aside
intellectualism off
it’s just me and Johnny Cash
“I hurt myself today”
turned into a remix with Carly Simon’s
“loving you’s the right thing to do”

pain stripping all vanity away
driving me past prayer
ground into prostrations
I have no where to turn
no comfort left
except you
your pain

that compels me
to reach
across any distance
to touch you
bow heads together
in being

fuck words

strip the being from them
take it
hold onto it
we will climb back out together

more appreciative
of beauty
of each other
of you

6 thoughts on “Tonight is about surfing pain

  1. “when you’re wracked with pain perhaps you draw more to you?
    emotional skin burnt off
    open heart”
    i like these lines…that’s exactly how pain feels – so well described..

  2. It s a glaring look at what and how and where – Pain!
    You cover the gamut all the places go to flee pain

    Great piece my friend

    smiles from the Moon

  3. Pingback: Tweets that mention Tonight is about surfing pain | Small Business Advice & Practical Help --

  4. complete and powerful piece..
    well done..

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    Merry Christmas…
    Stay Blessed….

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