She hates me, because I loved her

She hates me
with all of her heart

Her deepest wound
touched by me
with love, care
for a moment,
a fleeting moment
then I left

She hates me
screaming deep inside
pleading for me
to come back
to that place
where she felt safe, secure, loved
finally at home

she hates me
hates me
hates me
because I loved her

She hates me
thinking I took something from her,
abandoned her
when it was my own wounds calling me

She hates me with all of her heart
for showing her home
then taking it

and so she hates me!
refusing to
afraid to melt
afraid to touch home
afraid to touch peace

She hates me
feeling raw

hating me for touching that wound
with love
tender care

I look at her
just look
saying please…
climb back into here

don’t leave
know that I see you
feel you
love you

But she hates me
and I don’t know what she’ll do


Boundaries are difficult to discern

When we connect at the deepest levels we often, usually, open the deepest wounds.  When love, and especially romance become involved, the wounds we can touch go through the heart and into the soul.  We can know this by feeling, being in touch, staying centered within our hearts.  When we react so strongly, so disproportionately to the situation, it is always because of carried wounds, past hurts.

We are called to rise above this.  Counter-intuitively reach out and tell your loved one how wounded you are.  Do not run.  Do not hide.  Tell them how much in dismay you are and ask for their help.  This takes raw courage.  It is the essence of empathy.  Starting with your own empathy, for yourself.  It seems like your world may end.  Well, maybe it will. But if it does that then is a healthier end.  A worthy end.  Stand for yourself.  Stand for your own heart.  Stand for you own respect.  Stand.

Practice, in other situations.  Listen to your own stories.  Teach yourself to ask.  Learn good boundaries, and how to stand for yourself.  Bravely, boldly put your heart back on the line.  This my friend, this is the way to live.  This is the way to #leadfromwithin